Satisfaction Shopping Guarantee 滿意購物保障
- 我們從顧客角度出發,提供滿意購物保障︰「7天無條件退貨」。
- 顧客收到貨品,如感到貨品未能達到滿意程度,則可無條件退貨,取回100%貨款。
- 所有產品必須未經使用。如產品塑膠封條被拆除,一律不接受退貨。
- 退回貨品必須保留基本包裝,衣服放回包裝袋,連包裝盒一併退回。
- 顧客必須於收貨後7天內,以WhatsApp發訊至+852 9745 0663通知退貨 (7天由順豐速遞簽收時間開始計算,逾期通知,恕不受理。)
- WhatsApp通知內容包括貨品照片、訂單編號、退貨人之消費帳號
- 貨品必須於收貨後7天內以順豐速遞或直接交回本店 (地址︰中環卑利街 63-63A地下B1舖 M shop),並以WhatsApp發訊至+852 9745 0663通知本店順豐單號及訂單編號。請留意︰顧客須自行承擔退貨運費。
- 本店收到退回貨品後,查實無人為污漬或損毀,將於七個工作天內退回貨款到顧客消費帳戶,本店將以WhatsApp通知顧客。
- 如有任何查詢,歡迎WhatsApp到+852 9745 0663。
- 以上條款只適用於網上訂購,如有任何爭議,本店保留最終決定權。
Satisfaction Shopping Guarantee
*applicable in online stores only*
- We put ourselves in customers’ shoes by providing a satisfaction shopping guarantee: "7-day unconditional returns".
- If you are not satisfied after receiving the goods, you can return the item and get full refund.
- All products must be unused. If the plastic seal of the product is removed, returns cannot be accepted.
- The basic packaging should come with the returned goods, whereas the clothes are returned in packaging bag and box altogether.
- Within 7 days from delivery, please notify us about the return through WhatsApp message to +852 9745 0663. (7 days are counted based on the delivery time, your receipt time recorded by SF Express. Late application will not be entertained.)
- Please send us product photos, purchase order number, and your payment account number via WhatsApp +852 9745 0663.
- Within 7 days from delivery, the goods must be delivered by SF Express or returned directly to our store (Address: Shop B1, Ground Floor, 63-63A Peel Street, Central; Attention: M shop).And meanwhile, please send us a WhatsApp message to +852 9745 0663, tell us the SF Express tracking number and purchase order number. Please note: customer have to bear the transport cost of return.
Size Change
- If you want to change the size, please apply the same returning procedures as above. The shipping cost of re-sending the product will be borne by our shop.
- Upon receipt of the returned product, our shop shall trace any signs of stains or damages on it. Within 7 working days, the payment shall be made to the customer's account and the shop will notify the customer by WhatsApp message.
- If you have any inquiries, send us a message via WhatsApp +852 9745 0663 for follow-up.
- The above terms apply to online ordering only. If there is any dispute, our shop reserves the right to make the final decision.